GeoPunk Bus Timetables

822 Bus Route: Origin - Destination with Stops and Timetable

This bus service is run by Vision Bus

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Map of the 822 Bus Service


Bus Timetable for the 822 - Origin - Destination Route

Outbound Localities Visited

Outbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

by, The Crown, Redearth Road, Darwen15:10
by, Chapter Road, Priory Drive, Darwen15:13
by, Vicarage Drive, Priory Drive, Sough15:14
by, Priory Drive, Darwen15:15
by, Lisbon Drive, Marsh House Lane, Darwen15:15
by, Beaumont Way, Marsh House Lane, Darwen15:16
by, Roman Road, Marsh House Lane, Blackamoor15:18
by, Glenshiels Avenue, Hoddlesden Road, Hoddlesden15:20
opp, Ranken Arms, Queen Street, Hoddlesden15:22
by, Carus Mill, Johnson New Road, Hoddlesden15:22
by, St Pauls Terrace, Johnson New Road, Waterside15:23
opp, Victoria Gardens, Johnson New Road, Waterside15:24
by, Eccleshill Gardens, Johnson Road, Blackburn15:27
by, Industrial Estate, Roman Road, Lower Darwen15:30
by, Pickering Fold, Roman Road, Blackamoor15:31
by, Newfield Drive, Roman Road, Blackamoor15:32
opp, Fishmoor Reservoir, Roman Road, Blackamoor15:33
by, United Utilities, Roman Road, Blackamoor15:33
by, Lytham Road, Roman Road, Whinny Heights15:34
by, Pleasant View, Roman Road, Whinny Heights15:36
opp, Observatory Hotel, Old Bank Lane, Whinny Heights15:37
by, Hospital Drive, Haslingden Road, Guide15:38
by, Seacole Close, Haslingden Road, Guide15:39
by, Evolution Park, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth15:39
opp, Blakewater College, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth15:40
by, Sett End, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth15:42
adj, Largs Road, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth15:43
by, Dunoon Drive, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth15:44
by, Ballantrae Road, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth15:45
by, Staffa Crescent, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth15:46
by, Tarbert Crescent, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth15:47
by, The Foresters, Fecitt Brow, Shadsworth15:48
by, Hamer Avenue, Whitebirk Road, Intack15:50
by, Gloucester Road, Whitebirk Road, Intack15:52
by, Guide Beehive, Haslingden Road, Guide16:05

Inbound Localities Visited

Inbound Timetable

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Days Service Runs

by, Guide Beehive, Haslingden Road, Guide7:40
opp, Gloucester Road, Whitebirk Road, Intack7:50
by, Hamer Avenue, Whitebirk Road, Intack7:51
opp, Rothesay Road, Fecitt Brow, Shadsworth7:53
opp, Tarbert Crescent, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth7:53
by, Staffa Crescent, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth7:54
by, Ballantrae Road, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth7:54
by, Shops, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth7:55
opp, Largs Road, Rothesay Road, Shadsworth7:56
adj, Sett End, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth7:57
adj, Sett End Road, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth7:57
opp, Evolution Park, Shadsworth Road, Shadsworth7:58
by, Seacole Close, Haslingden Road, Guide7:58
opp, Hospital Drive, Haslingden Road, Guide7:59
by, Haslingden Road, Royal Blackburn Hospital7:59
o/s, Observatory Hotel, Old Bank Lane, Whinny Heights8:00
by, Pleasant View, Roman Road, Whinny Heights8:01
by, Sullivan Close, Roman Road, Whinny Heights8:02
opp, Fishmoor Drive, Roman Road, Whinny Heights8:03
by, Fishmoor Reservoir, Roman Road, Blackamoor8:04
by, Pickering Fold, Roman Road, Blackamoor8:07
by, Rectella, Roman Road, Blackamoor8:07
by, Eccleshill Gardens, Johnson Road, Blackburn8:11
by, Victoria Gardens, Johnson New Road, Waterside8:11
by, St Pauls Terrace, Johnson New Road, Waterside8:12
by, Carus Mill, Johnson New Road, Hoddlesden8:14
o/s, Ranken Arms, Queen Street, Hoddlesden8:15
by, Glenshiels Avenue, Hoddlesden Road, Hoddlesden8:15
by, Roman Road, Marsh House Lane, Blackamoor8:16
by, Pole Lane Playing Fields, Pole Lane, Spring Vale8:16
adj, Rudyard Drive, Pole Lane, Darwen8:17
adj, Craven Heifer, Pole Lane, Spring Vale8:18
by, Chapter Road, Priory Drive, Darwen8:18
by, Vicarage Drive, Priory Drive, Sough8:19
by, Priory Drive, Darwen8:20
opp, Essex Street, Marsh House Lane, Darwen8:21
adj, Marsh House Lane, Darwen8:22
by, Key Street, Suddell Road, Darwen8:23
by, The Crown, Redearth Road, Darwen8:25